
Research groups

Industrial Systems Optimization and Control (ISyOC)

Supply Networks & Logistics Research Center

The Supply Networks & Logistics Research Center (SNLRC) conducts advanced research and provides scientific consultancy and support in supply networks engineering and management.

Integrated Production and Maintenance Planning & Scheduling

This research line focuses on:

  1. Investigating issues related to the integration of production and preventive maintenance planning, at the tactical as well as operational level.
  2. Investigating issues in selective and imperfect maintenance optimization.

Cyclic Inventory Routing Problem (CIRP)

This research line is pursued at the department ISyE-PD since 2000. The research focuses mainly on developing efficient MILP models and algorithms to the Cyclic Inventory Routing Problem (CIRP), to the Stochastic Cyclic Inventory Routing Problem (SCIRP) and to their many variants.

Lean Enterprise Research Center (LERC)

The LERC conducts research into Lean Implementation methods for organizations from all sectors: industry, administration, healthcare, service organizations, ...

Center of eXcellence in industrial automation Kortrijk (XiaK)

XiaK is the Flemish center of excellence in industrial automation. It was founded in 2013 by Howest in cooperation with EFRO, VIA, Agentschap Ondernemen and the Province of West Flanders.


Design.Nexus operates as an inherently multidisciplinary group within a large network of industrial partners.

Imec-mict-ugent (

imec-mict-UGent is an interdisciplinary research group at the department of Communication Sciences and the department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design at Ghent University and part of the digital research institute imec. The mission of the group is: "Empowering People in a Digitizing Society".

We study the interactions between people, society and technology by leveraging on state-of-the art methodological innovation to grasp the attitudinal, behavioral as well as cognitive dimensions of the 'homo digitalis'. We deliver clear insights in users' (online/offline) behaviors, needs and wishes in a digitizing society. We believe in interdisciplinary and collaborative research in which these insights are a key differentiator for user-centric development of more empowering interfaces.

EA18 Contact
Prof. dr. ing. Jelle Saldien
T: +32 485 27 19 81

Evelien De Waele-De Guchtenaere
T: +32 9 264 97 07



Industrial Systems Engineering | ISyE

ISyE is a research group of the department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Product Design (EA18) at Ghent University.

It operates as a core lab within the cluster 'Flexsible Assembly' of the strategic research center Flanders Make.

The research group consists of 7 professors and 38 researchers and has a multidisciplinary expertise around the design, optimization and validation of production and logistics systems (with spill-overs to other disciplines, for e.g. transport and mobility).

Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies (mict) Services